
Archivi tag: photography

Questa galleria contiene 15 immagini.

Soundtrack / Everything in its right place, Radiohead Everybody says that Budapest is the Eastern Paris. They probably do have lots of things in common, both have rivers, beautiful buildings, cultural roots and a deep history. Probably the only difference is that Paris is always beautiful, too beautiful, you see beauty in every corner. In Budapest …

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to give to: photographers and architects friends with a dark side

The first book of (we hope) a long series was presented Sunday 14th December in Reggio Emilia (Italy).

The title of the book’s title might not sound so christmassy, BUT if you look at it from another point of view you’ll find it very interesting and appealing to you and many of your friends and family. This book not only is more than a year of work, but it’s also a way to give dignity and attention to all those architectures that are considered “dead” in absence of human activities, but instead they are very much alive and have a lot to tell.

Davide Guldoni is a very talented photographer and graphic artist living in Italy and definitely kicking some asses!

To order it click here, and to like his facebook page here!


FOLDIO by Orangemonkie
to give to: wannabe photographers, smartphones obsessed, ebay addicted, food bloggers

FOLDIO is an ultra-portable (foldable) light box for smartphone shutterbugs who want to add a new dimension to their work or take some professional-looking product shots. Foldio is calling itself the “world’s first foldable portrait studio” and even provides its own lighting, thanks to the built-in LED strip. And to top it off, the white background sheet can be replaced with a myriad of different color sheets, all of which are washable.
To discover more, follow their new kickstarter crowndfunding “FOLDIO2 – bigger & smarter”
available HERE on Orangemonkie store from 49 dollars (1 LEDstrip) to 59 dollars (2 LEDstrips)
